We aim to create a sense of belonging and being valued through a careful settling routine, transitioning process between our rooms, and on to school. As teachers we believe that positive transitioning experiences enhance a child’s ability and potential to develop into confident and capable learners, with a love for learning.
After initiating contact with our Centre, we are more than happy to provide parents and caregivers with written information and discussion about our service. Once enrolled, it is anticipated that children will have a minimum of two settling visits. On the first visit, a parent or caregiver is encouraged to stay with their child, to explore with them, and to allow them to explore as independently as they are comfortable to do. For a second visit, we encourage parents to settle their child into the Centre, then say “Good Bye” to the child, and let them know that you will come back. After approximately ½ to one hour, it is good to return to the Centre to collect your child. We would always contact you if your child became unsettled. After the first two visits we would discuss how the visits have been for both the child and the family, in order to collaboratively decide on the next steps to take. Some children may require visits to participate in meal times or sleep times prior to starting, therefore we will take an individualised approach for each child.
When children start to show an interest in transitioning between the Pipi and Paua Rooms, we will give them opportunity to develop their curiosity and potential, by initiating some visits to the Paua room, with their Pipi Room teachers. We will give them opportunities to develop relationships with Paua Room teachers and children. As teachers, we acknowledge that transitioning is not an event, rather a process. Pipi teachers, supported by management, will begin to discuss transitioning with the child’s parents/caregivers, and we encourage parents to communicate any aspirations or concerns that they may have. It can often be a more difficult process for parents/caregivers, than it is for the child! When the teachers from both rooms, and the parents/family agree that the child is fully ready to transition to the Paua Room, the child will lead the transition process.
School readiness is incorporated into the planning for each individual child within the Paua Room, and opportunities for recognised holistic learning needs are incorporated into their daily play. Curiosities, strengths, and abilities are observed to support an exciting and engaging curriculum. As teachers, we believe play is the work of children, and when children are supported to be interested and involved they will have fun and enjoy learning. Core curriculum areas such as early literacy, mathematics, and science are woven throughout play activities, and we explore and learn alongside each child to create an excitement and love for learning.
We liaise with local schools to ensure that we have appropriate mutual expectations, and to ensure a positive transition to school life. On-line learning portfolios may be transferred to the new entrant teacher at parent/caregiver request. This allows the new entrant teacher to gain a holistic understanding of prior learning and school readiness for their new student.